Steamed Ribs with Hawthorn 山楂蒸排骨 full recipe

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材料 ingredients :
~450g 條狀小排,用清水浸半小時後,抹乾水份,按骨節切開
strips of side ribs, first soak in water for 1/2 hr, then wipe dry n cut into pieces according to the bones
~20g 乾重量無核山楂片,浸熱水1小時
dry weight of dried pitted hawthorn slices, soaked in hot water for 1 hr
~6g 青葱粒 chopped scallion

醃料 marinating seasonings :
1/2 tsp 薑粉 ginger powder
1/2 tsp 蒜粉 garlic powder
1 tbs 米酒 rice wine
1 tbs 生抽(豉油) soy sauce
1 tbs 蠔油 oyster sauce
1/2 tbs 喼汁(甜辣醬) Worcestershire sauce
2 tsp 糖 sugar
2 tsp 生粉 potato starch

做法 procedures :
1. 抓勻調味於排骨中,加入浸軟了的山楂片,拌勻醃半小時
rub seasonings into the ribs. Add soaked soft hawthorn slices. Mix well n marinate for 1/2 hr
2. 滾水落,大火蒸20分鐘
steam on boiling water on high heat for 20 mins
3. 熄火,灑上青葱粒,蓋好燜1分鐘便成
turn off heat. Sprinkle chopped scallion on. Cover n simmer for 1 min then done
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