갑 오징어 회 뜨기!!/It's a squid! Squid with short legs but strong bones. A clip of slicing raw cuttlefish

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4월과 5월은 오징어 금어기여서 수산 시장 어디에서도 오징어를 볼수가 없었지만 갑오징어는 반대로 4월에는 수확이 가능하다고 하는데도 살아 있는 갑오징어는 어디에서도 찾기가 힘들었다.

수산 시장 세곳을 돌아서 찾은 갑오징어는 갑중의 갑이였던듯. 40년을 넘는 경력의 항구 횟집 어머니의 회뜨는 실력은 세월이 묻어 있는 경이로운 솜씨로 하루 잡는 횟감만 백마리가 넘으신다고 하니 생선들의 입장에선 저승사자 같은 분, 수산 시장 생활이 힘들지만 즐겁게 세아들을 키워내신 우리네 어머니 / In April and May, squid was banned, so squid could not be seen anywhere in the fish market, but on the contrary, it was difficult to find live cuttlefish anywhere even though it was said that it was possible to harvest them in April. The squid, which visited three fish markets, seems to have been the king of the king. The mother, who has more than 40 years of experience at Port Fish Market in Kangseo Fish Wholesale Market, is said to be more than 100 fish a day, so she is like the Grim Reaper, and she raised her son happily even though she is hard to live in a fish market

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